Outdoor pest service typically focuses on eradicating specific kinds of pests that originate outside of the home, like mosquitoes, ticks, and fire ants. While these pests might not make their way inside your home, they can affect your enjoyment of your yard.
If mosquitoes or other pests are making your lawn an unpleasant place to be, Our Real View Services provides outdoor service. This is especially important if you have kids or pets that regularly play outside. Vector-borne diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika, and Lyme disease are a very present concern these days, so don’t chalk up frequent mosquito and tick bites to normal hazards of being outside.
Mosquitoes belong to the same group as the true flies, Diptera. As such, they have a single pair of wings. They typically have long, thin legs and a head featuring a prominent proboscis. Mosquito bodies and wings most often are covered in tiny scales. Adult sizes may range from 3 to 9 mm.
Method of Treatment
Mosquito treatment is usually an integrated effort involving source reduction plus the use of chemical control products when needed. Since mosquitoes develop in water, source reduction targets and eliminates water sources favorable for mosquito breeding. While source reduction is the more effective long-term approach to mosquito treatment, the mosquito treatment plan may require using chemical products to supplement source reduction.
- Thermal Fogging treatment will be carried out at the surrounding of the building units.
- We will use insecticides approved by the EPA for use in food premises and living accommodations such as hotels, hospitals, restaurants and houses etc….
There are more than 16,000 species of flies in North America. But they all belong to the order Diptera, meaning two wings. Because they only have two wings, flies land often and therefore can deposit thousands of bacteria each time they land.
- We use insecticides approved by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) for use in food premises and living accommodations including Hotels, Restaurants, Hospitals and Houses etc….
- The insecticide used will be based on pyrathrines and our treatment process will not make adverse effect on building materials, walls and plants in the garden.
- To control and prevent flies and other pests in the premises, we will be carried out Residual Spraying treatment with approved insecticides
There are different kinds of pests which are present outside our house, especially in the garden area including the mosquitoes, Fire Ants and also the ticks. These pests not only damage our garden and our skin and cause various diseases but also ruin our experience of having a home garden as they continue to bite us and we cannot even sit for some time outside our home. To prevent ourselves from all these situations in everyday life, we must try the Outdoor Pest Control.
Outdoor Pest Control is very important as these mosquitoes can harm the health of your children and the old age people at your home while they spent time in the garden every day. Pest Control helps you to keep your family safe from any such unwanted diseases caused due to these pests, also, it enables you to spent quality time in your garden area.
We at Real View Services, are providing outdoor pest control to our customers since ages and they are really happy and satisfied with our services. We have a team of experts with years of experience and they keep your comfort and convenience in mind while working on your project. We assure you the best services at the most affordable prices and known as the most reliable Pest Control service provider in Dubai.